Youth Ministry

Explore the ministry opportunities for your student at Faith Church

Youth Ministry at Faith Church

At Faith Church our youth (6th-12th grade) experience life-changing teaching on the story of Scripture and the love of Jesus, rich fellowship with one another, fun activities, and service and fundraising opportunities.

We would love to meet you and your student(s)!

Alpha Omega Youth Ministries

Alpha Omega is one of our discipleship ministries for youth from 6th-12th grade. This group meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM at Faith Church. Email Emily Herset for an up-to-date summer schedule. A typical evening at Alpha Omega includes fun group activities, announcements, prayer, worship, and a lesson to help students grow in their walk with God.

In addition to Wednesday nights, Alpha Omega meets throughout the year for special fellowship events, fundraising activities, and service opportunities.

Alpha Omega's mission statement is to Love God. Love Others. Love Life.

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered for students on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM the weekend after Labor Day through the weekend before Memorial Day. We use the Gospel Project for Students Curriculum. The curriculum coincides with the rest of the Sunday School class ages, so each generation is studying the same portion of scripture together. We hope this encourages conversations at home about what families are learning in Sunday School. This class meets in the Youth Room.


Confirmation is an opportunity for students to be discipled in the history of our Faith and how they can live it out in their daily life.

Cup O' Soul Coffee Shop

Cup O' Soul is our youth run coffee shop! This is our ongoing fundraiser for students and also an opportunity for students to serve others and learn responsibilities like handling money, customer service skills, and creating delicious beverages.

To get more information on being involved in this fun and exciting opportunity, click the button below.

Meet our Youth Director

Emily Herset has been the youth director at Faith Church since 2013. She is passionate about relationship building with her youth leaders and students and desires them to know and experience the never ending love of Jesus.

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning our Student Ministry or visiting Faith Church with your student(s), simply click the button below and get in touch with us!